Eat tasty, healthy and variably...
with curry and rosemary
Weight : 340g
Apricot, yellow cherry plum, curry, garlic, salt, rosemary, chili pepper, natural spices. No sugar.
proteins – 1.4g
fats – 0.1g
carbohydrates – 12.6g
energy value – 62 kcal/ 269 KJ
sweetish, sour-tarty, slightly spicy.
The sauce is very fragrant with unusual ingredients. Fresh juicy apricots and yellow cherry plum, combined with curry and other selected spices, create a special delicate texture and a good balance of sweet, sour, salty and spicy. When creating this sauce, we carefully tested the flavor combining a composite combination of gradually revealing flavors and increasing spiciness. The spiciness is pleasant, suitable for everyday use. This fruit sauce is a “favorite” among children and adults. The aroma of apricot reminds of summer days, and the curry adds a unique touch of taste.
The sweetish, tart and slightly spicy taste of the sauce goes well with vegetable, meat dishes and side dishes, perfectly emphasizes the taste of poultry. The tart flavor blended with the unique curry flavor, makes the best complement to rice, potato, chicken and pork dishes, is a perfect serving for steak, ribs and grilled vegetables. This sauce is a wonderful addition to toast, potato chips or lavash bread. It can also be used as an additional ingredient in the preparation of various second courses. Depending on the dish and the user preference, it can be used both hot and cold, without losing its amazing taste.
Rich in vitamins C, A, E, group B, PP, H, aminoacids, micro- and macroelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, sodium, manganese, copper, fluorine, iodine …). Apricot has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body, as well as on the gastrointestinal tract. Useful substances in apricot strengthen blood vessels, improve memory and sight, cleanse the body, increase stamina and performance. The use of apricots is shown to strengthen immunity, prevent anemia, malignant neoplasms and problems with thyroid glands.
Store in a dry, cool place, 0+20°С. After opening store in the refrigerator for no more than 15 days.